Achieve Your Dental Assisting Goals – Just a Few Spots Left

There are only five spots left for the next Dental Assisting class and the deadline is very soon! At Fullerton Dental Assisting School we teach, show, and give you hands on practice for the different dental procedures and jobs that a dental assistant does. With our dental assisting program we believe you will get what you are looking for in a new job in the dental industry. It’s never too late to achieve your dental assisting goals in this great career!

The enrollment deadline for the following classes is also coming soon:

  • X-ray class – enrollment deadline: Oct 16, class date: Oct 17 & 18
  • Infection Control & DPA class – enrollment deadline Oct 23, class dates: Oct 25 & 31
  • Coronal Polish class – enrollment deadline Oct 23, class dates: Oct 25 & 31


dental assisting goals

We look for individuals to try dental assisting that are highly motivated, dedicated, self starters, sharp and compassionate for this program. Do any of those describe you? Why not find out more about this dental assisting course, school, and amazing career?

Take a chance and become a dental assistant today! Contact us about openings in the upcoming and following class, simply email, call (714) 882-5518, or come visit the dental assisting school today!

Eric M. Meyer, DDS

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