Dental Assistant

Your Name: Dr. Kourosh Maleki
Business Name: Brea Family Dentistry & Orthodontics
Your Email: [email protected]
Your Phone: (714)572-2818
Job Title: Dental assistant
Business Address: 2820 E. Imperial Hwy, Brea, CA 92821
Job Description: We are looking to hire a dental assistant to join our team in a state of art family dental practice in the upscale neighborhood in the city of Brea. Candidate should responsible, reliable and be a team player and be able and versed with all aspect of dental terminology and she/he should have a strong dental experience backround. Candidate should also be eager to learn, be motiveated & friendly and be a team player. She/He should know how to operate Dentrix Dental Software. Bilingual is a plus.

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