Our students love their new careers. We even had a graduate student from over a year ago stop by to show appreciation! Most of us start out early in life moving from one job to another trying to find that perfect fit. However, many get “stuck” in one of those jobs for far too long before realizing a change is desperately needed! We get caught in a comfortable groove, our enthusiasm wanes, motivation turns into mediocrity, and our subconscious tells us a change needs to happen! With a dental assistant salary you can change your life in a positive way.
Being a registered school, our students can earn a certificate of completion to show any potential employer. Our course includes clinical lab experience which means you’ll graduate with the confidence, the skills and the “know-how” to excel in your new career and earn a great dental assistant salary.
To join the school, simply email, call (714) 882-5518, or come visit the dental assisting school today!
Eric M. Meyer, DDS