Are you ready to take on a dental assistant xray radiology course? This course will have hands-on application and of course some lecture time. We use instructional videos along with a workbook to help guide you in this course. You will need this course to receive an R.D.A license in California.
Here are some of our recent Dental Assistant Xray Radiology Course graduates during class. Breanna H., Savannah S., Tania B. and Emily E. area learning about x-rays for use in their dental careers.
This course meets all the current standards of the Dental Board of California. We usually do lectures and exposure of x-rays on the first couple days of class. You will also get to practice on a manikin. A written exam will be given usually at the end of the first class meeting. Then at the end of class you will need to take a time FMX on a patient for your final exam and this patient will be provided by you who is 18 years of age or older. During your time in the class you will be required to take three FMX’s on three separate patients for homework. Please note that homework can include no more than 2 digital Full Mouth X-Rays, only 1 can be manual.
The next dental assisting school session is scheduled to begin soon, so reserve your spot in class while you can… Simply call (714) 882-5518 or come visit the dental assisting school today!
Eric M. Meyer, DDS