Dental Assisting Education for a 99% New Job Rate

At Fullerton Dental Assisting School we teach, show, and give you hands on practice for the different dental procedures and jobs that a dental assistant does. With our dental assisting education we believe you will get what you are looking for in a new job in the dental industry. 99% of our graduates get new jobs! It’s never too late to achieve your dental assisting goals in this great career!

dental assisting education

In just 13 weeks we work with our students and offer many different avenues to help them receive a quality dental assisting education. The demand for Dental Assistants is growing by leaps and bounds. It’s a career that allows you to work anywhere in the United States. Some of our students are hired before graduation!

Take a chance and start your path to achieving your dental assisting goals today! To join the school, simply email, call (714) 882-5518, or come visit the dental assisting school today!

Eric M. Meyer, DDS

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